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Superintendent of Biotechnology Lab.

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Superintendent of Molecular Markers Lab.


Prof. Dr. Mohmed Sayed Khalil

Molecular Markers Lab.

Palnt Pathology Research Institute

Agricultural Research Center

9-Gamaa St., Orman, 12619, Giza, Egypt


Mobile: 0002012240220

Fax: 0002025723146


  • Since January 2003, Chief Executive Officer, and vice Chairman,The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency.
  • Superintendent of Molecular Markers Lab.
  • Director of Plant Pathology Research Institute from 1999 to 2002.
  • He is graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University in 1965.
  • He got his Ph.D. from Cairo University in 1985.
  • He supervised 14 weather-monitoring stations in 6 Governorates.
  • His studies were in the field of biotechnology.